CS3216 Case Study 1 ---UI&UX analysis of Get Help!
Usability vs.
The two concepts do not contradict each other, although
generally developers think that preserving one means compromising the other. In
fact, people would consider a product a work of art if grabs attention and is
user-friendly. Simple examples include the industrial design of Apple products
and the Google search main page. They are all as simple as they look like, but
people get mad about them and no one doubt they would become classical designs
in human history. Aesthetic appeal does not come from colors and graphics,
instead it can be integrated with usability in a proper manner.
Based on this idea, the interface of the initial version of Get Help! is not well designed in terms
of aesthetic appeal. The elements are scattered around which distract users’
attention and make them confused. Too many icons or graphics are used for
various functions without a consistent manner. User guidance is a bit wordy and
not to-the-point. Even though different functions and user actions are
distributed to different pages, there is no focus on each page. Too much
information cause the users to feel overloaded and bored on every page. It
takes around 1~2 minutes to read the page and understand what it is doing.
Users’ patience will run out very soon. A good interface design should tell the
user what it is at first glance and grab his/her attention in the following
second, naturally followed by user interactions.
It’s difficult to tell how the functionality is with the
static screenshots. But due to poor styling, I suppose users will get confused
first before using the app. A quick glance at the app main page leads me to two
sections from which I can’t decide where to start. The ‘call for help!’ and
‘need quick help!’ sections are not so distinct from each other and users can’t
foresee what is going to happen after their entry. Yet there’s another ‘New
Project’ button at the top which complicates the picture more.
Usability and aesthetics do complement each other. The old
mindset to separate them is not going to work. However, to solve the problem
from a developer’s view, functionality should come first. The team should
rethink what is the main thing they want to show the users to grab their attention
on each page. Only after decisions on feature implementation are clearly made
can they start styling that makes pages more enjoyable. On the contrary, a page
with clear tasks also makes styling an easy job to do.
User freedom when
posting a need
Quite a number of options are presented to the user when
posting a need, like deadline, estimated time, location, people to whom the
message will be directed and channels to get the message across etc. These
options are not arranged in a logic manner and may bore the user even before
clicking the submit button. For example, deadline, estimated time and location
are not the key issues for a need and they largely depend on the agreement
between the poster and the helper. It’s good to give uses more freedom to maintain
their post by giving out lots of options, but it’s important to start from the
core, which is the need. It’s more reasonable to direct the users to document
their needs well such that more appropriate aids can be found. Instead of
asking the user to fill up the information in one page, the posting can be done
step by step (as few as possible, as succinct as possible) using Ajax calls. In
personal opinion, the options provided to the user should be much less. Details
can be left to users to resolve on their own, which is also another aspect of
Cycle of interaction
and incentives
The app idea is very engaging, to uncover the talent pool on
Facebook and source for more appropriate help. However, the execution is not
that exciting. A poster only posts a need and waits for reply, while a helper
offers help or leaves comments, and gets badges from the system. There is no
much difference from the old-style forum entries. Facebook is a social
networking platform where most of people have their real identity, hence it’s
much better to exploit its social aspect and utilize the power of real
More detailed profiles can be built up for frequent helpers
so the posters can search them directly rather than just wait. @ function can
be added so that if a viewer of the need happens to know another person who is
capable to offer help, he/she can just @ that person in the comment as referral,
with notifications sent out. Besides, awards should not come from the system,
but from the users, based on their assessment of the help offered, like what
people often do to the online shops. The statistics page is quite redundant as
‘number of helps offered’ can just be attached under the profile picture of the
helper to impress viewers. More important information like ‘good solutions and
tips’ can be loaded onto that page so the whole app becomes more informative
with a database of talented answers and solutions.
Other aspects…
The app is not well worded. Most of the page elements have a
name then followed with a lengthy description. More work is needed on diction.
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