Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Application critique-DrawSomething


I suppose anyone who has a touch screen tablet device with iOS or Android system would have installed this simple but hilarious mobile game, which attracted 1million users in 9 days after its release. Facebook achieved that in 9 months. For the benefit of people who are immune to mobile app attractions, let me give a short introduction on this app before starting the review.

This little amazingly addictive guess-my-sketch game app by a developer called OMGPop has a very clean and neat interface, which is considered as a model of minimalist efficiency. The procedure is also simple: you choose one of three words ranked by difficulty levels, draw a picture of it and send it to a known friend or a random player to let them guess the word using a subset of the alphabetic letters as a hint. The cool part doesn’t stop there. The other partner can see the animation of you drawing the picture with pauses omitted of course. You two can switch the roles and continue the game indefinitely. Correct guesses are awarded with coins which can be used to but styluses or bombs. It also supports multiple-user interaction and cross-platform (iOS & Android) communication can be done seamlessly. 

As lots of online reviews say, DrawSomething is simple but perfect as it is. It is stable on the platforms and appeals to users’ interest. No matter how mobile games are destined to be short-lived, for now it’s no doubt a big success, from the perspective of user experience and feedback. Hence I would like to concentrate more on the commercial potential and future development part, in line with a summary of the most significant 3 points I learnt from Group 7’s talk.

The following improvements proposed by Group 7 really attracted my attention.

·         Add in themes

The current canvas of DrawSomething is just a plain page. Their talk cited DoodleJump as an example to illustrate how themes can be implanted to improve user experience. Apart from that, great embedded marketing potential be found on that plain canvas. Product placements can be put on the background, with a maximum level of not distracting the users.  Some people may criticize that a good application should never put revenue in the first place. But ironically, good apps need lots of money to develop.


·         Vocabulary for sponsors

As mentioned above, a user needs to select a word to draw before starting the game. That’s another portal where revenue potential comes in. The words can be set to keywords related to the sponsors like their brand name or product name. For example, I can draw a Big Mac for my friends to guess MacDonald’s. (Not embedded ads, just examples for academic purpose^^) In such a way, the developer of DrawSomething can retain its revenue and make money for future great ideas.


·         Multiple language support

Currently DrawSomething found its high in the English-speaking world as the app itself is in English and the words selected for drawing are also in English. It leaps a big step forward by implementing pictures as a method for people to communicate and have fun, which surpasses the old Words with Friends , which completely blocked non-English speakers. However, DrawSomething can still expand its global market by supporting other languages, which may trigger another upsurge.


My original thoughts focus more on how this app idea was generated and how it might change people’s life.

·         Origin of the app idea

This app idea is simple but powerful. It dates back to thousands of years ago when human beings drew pictures on rocks and turtle shells for simple communications. As the idea of symbology grew in people’s mind, they invented languages for the ease of communication. But nowadays people are tired of thousands of characters they encounter everyday as words consume more brain energy to digest than pictures. So it’s time to return back to pictures which are able to refresh people’s mind and inspire their creativity, and generate fun in the meantime to ease the bustling life. Since nearly everyone stays longer with a smartphone than with his/her wife/husband, the best platform to implement this idea is a mobile app that allows people to draw and share. A thousand thanks to the advanced graphics technology and social networks.


·         Influences on people

As a small mobile game, it might face the same destiny as other gaming phenomena have shown. A quick decline after a tremendous upsurge. It might not be able to change people’s life like what Microsoft Office has done, but it inspires people to explore a new perspective of their life. A lot of great but short-lived apps are also like this. But there is nothing to regret. Great news is that new ideas are blooming all the time. That is why we are all intrigued by CS3216!

So, why are you still waiting? Grab your phone, draw a picture and send it to your friend for a guess, perhaps a decent drawing of our big boss. But make sure CS3216 assignments are done for him!
                                                                                                     04/09/2012   CS3216 App Seminar


  1. on a side note, the developer of omgpop was on his late app before giving up as being a developer. and turns out that his last app, drawsomething was a hit! at the same time, we should not oversee the point that he had failed like 26 times! before he had a blockbuster hit. I guess this kind of "bai zhe bu nao" (be undaunted by repeated setback) spirit is greatly needed in CS3216!

    and about the app itself, i thought that the greatest down side about this app was the amount of repeated words!... i guess thats the point which made me stop the game after awhile. if they would have given us more words to choose from, i would have continue to play till this day!

    Benjamin Xue

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I fully agree that that kind of strong determination and hard work are needed for our course. Thanks for your add-on here. Personally I feel that it's a game app's destiny to die. It can't have a long lifespan like those office software as people''s interest eventually will die out.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't think now you'll still want to play it, because you cannot find many of your friends playing anymore (like what I encountered when I tried to play this game for the assignment, just couldn't find any friend to play with).
    I agree that the app idea is really good, but the execution is also quite important. There are many existing apps of this kind and none of they are so famous as drawsomething. Drawsomething just focuses on one thing and does it really well.

    1. Can elaborate a bit more on execution?

    2. People may not always want to play the same stuff. Like diablo3, although it is nice but you still feel boring after playing two months. But it succeeded right? It is time to develop some new ideas.

    3. Agree. So here comes the problem of how to create apps that can sustain its user pool. I guess game apps wont achieve that.

  3. It's always true that for any social-related products, like social media and social games, there will be no users without contents.

    I like all the suggestions from Group7 it really tackles the problem of consumer-retention, adding a revenue stream and at the same time expanding its user base.

    I think they really lack smart students like Group7 who can help polish their business model. Haha.

    1. Yup. I also feel that way hence I chose all three significant points from their improvement part.

  4. haha, interesting how you link DrawSomething to the fact
    historically, human beings drew pictures on rocks and turtle shells for simple communications. Let talk in pictures more often, and feel our roots!
